
发布时间:2022-06-28 12:25:02




  接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是…… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... [群众欢呼] [ crowd cheering ] …一个可怕的生物从深处升起 ...A terrifying creature rises from the depths. 简直就像黑礁湖里的怪物 It was almost like the creature from the black lagoon. 在秘鲁 一个神秘的人形动物使旁观者深深震惊 Narrator: A mysterious humanoid in peru stuns onlookers. 我的身体在颤抖 我从没见过这种生物 It"s no living thing I"ve ever seen. 一个幽灵般的白衣女子漫步在高速公路旁 Narrator: A ghostly woman in white strolls on the side of a highway. 为什么有一个女人穿着婚纱独自走在这条公路上? Why is there a woman walking along this highway in a wedding dress by herself? 这些都说不通 None of this adds up. 长岛上空有三个奇怪的光点 Narrator: Three strange lights in the sky over long island. 男:我看到什么了吗? Man: Am I seeing something? 我很震惊 我很惊讶我把它录下来了 I was just shocked. I was just amazed that I caught it on tape. 还更多的超自然镜头等着你去发现…… Narrator: And even more paranormal footage you have to see... 去相信 to believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第十四集 路边的鬼魂新娘 Roadside Ghost Bride 没有什么比这样的新娘更婚姻幸福 她穿着白色婚纱 there is nothing more magical than a bride in her white wedding gown, dreaming of her big wedding day, 梦想着和穿有闪亮盔甲的王子一起参加盛大的婚礼 her prince in shining armor, and marital bliss, 但当一个人从童话世界进入超自然深渊时 一切会很快变得暗淡 but when one moves from the world of fairy tales into a paranormal abyss, things can turn

 dark real fast. 注意白衣女人的传说 一个神秘的传说 behold, the legend of the woman in white -- a mysterious, 几个世纪以来 世界各地出现的幽灵一直让人们感到恐惧 ghost-like figure spotted around the world that has terrified people for centuries. 在新泽西的一个深夜 Late one night in new jersey, 威廉•汉德在开车回家的路上遇到了这样的幽灵 william hand came across one of these apparitions while driving home, 这是他余生的梦魇 and it will haunt him for the rest of his days. 案例:失控的鬼魂新娘 2016 年 3 月的一个清晨 on an early morning in March of 2016, 汉德当时正在新泽西州德特福德 55 号♥公路上开车 hand was driving on route 55 north in deptford, new jersey, 凌晨 1 点 30 分左右 前面出现了某种东西 when, around 1:30 a.M, something appeared up ahead. 一个穿着婚纱的女人像僵尸一样走路 手里抓着鲜花 a woman in a wedding dress walking in a zombie-like state by herself, clutching on to flowers. 威廉把车停在那女人旁边 大声叫道 William pulled up alongside of the woman and called out 但是没有回应 but got no response. 他不知道还能做什么 他被吓坏了 Not knowing what else to do and seriously spooked, 威廉继续开车并报了警 william continued driving and called the police. 我是威廉·汉德 I"m william hand. 视频是我拍的 I shot the video. 现在是半夜 This is the middle of the night. 周围没有人 There"s no one around, 这个人走在公路的路肩上 and this person is walking in the dark on the shoulder of a highway, 就好像感觉我不存在一样 and it was almost like I wasn"t there.

 她的眼睛 不管她盯着什么 Her eyes, whatever they were focused on, 她从没关注过我 never focused on me. 他们只是在看她当时看的地方 They were just looking wherever she was looking from the time 我走之前一直在追她 I pulled up on her to the time I left. 她的目光越过了我 然后… She was just looking beyond me, and it was just... 这是我人生中最疯狂的经历之一 It was just one of the craziest experiences of my life. 我离最近的出口大概有一两英里远 I"m like a mile or two from the nearest exit, 她在我后面一两英里的地方 and there"s a mile or two behind me, 假如她打算走着去她要去的地方 so she had a long ways to go 她还有很长的路要走 if she was planning on walking wherever she was going. 当我开车离开的时候 我给警♥察♥打了电♥话♥ 我想 这太奇怪了 (笑) As I was driving away, and as I made the call into the police, I"m like, "that was weird. [laughs] 这真的 真的 真的很奇怪 that was really, really, really weird." 海斯:这个视频超级恐怖 hayes: This video is super creepy. 为什么有一个女人穿着婚纱独自走在这条公路上? Why is there a woman walking along this highway in a wedding dress by herself? 这有些说不通 None of this adds up. 汉德:真的难以置信 Hand: It was incredible, actually. 那是我唯一一次 觉得也许我这辈子发生了一些奇怪的事 It was the only time I"ve ever, like, thought maybe in my life there was something weird going on, 或者只是一些对我来说不自然的事情 or just something that just was not natural to me. 斯科尔曼:如果你在路边看到这种鬼魂 Sceurman: If you do see these kind of ghosts and spirits on the side of the road,

 它可能是残留在那里的挥之不去的东西 it"s probably, like, a residual haunting where it"s just at that spot. 它常出没于那个地方 It haunts that spot. 那个白衣女士是否是萦绕在那里的鬼魂呢 又是为什么呢? Narrator: But if the white lady is just haunting that spot, why? 有时你会听到关于人们在婚礼当天发生车祸的超级悲伤的故事 Sometimes you do hear stories that are super sad about people getting into car accidents on their wedding day. [玻璃碎片] [ glass shatters ] 每个人都死了 and everybody dies. 也许这就是在这条路上发生的事情 So perhaps that"s what happened on this stretch of road. 卡诺:可能他们从来没有完成过他们正在进行的旅程 Cano: It"s possible that maybe they never completed whatever journey they were on. 也许这是持续到今天的鬼魂的剩余能量 Maybe this is just residual energy that is continuing to play out to this day. 不管出于什么原因 Narrator: Whatever the reason, 幽灵般的白衣女人似乎被吸引到可以被人们看到的地方 ghostly women in white seem to gravitate to places where they can be seen. 看到一个穿白色衣服的女人 Seeing a woman in white is, 我想说 这是全国公路上最常见的鬼魂主题 I would say, the most common motif of hauntings along roadways throughout the country. 麦克尼尔:有时穿着婚纱 有时穿着睡衣 Mcneill: Sometimes a wedding gown, sometimes a nightgown, 有时只是穿着一种模棱两可的白色衣服 sometimes just sort of ambiguous white clothing, 几乎总是在某个阈值空间 almost always at some liminal space, 所以在路边 矿井的入口 so the side of a road, the entrance to a mine, 森林的边缘 河边 the edge of a forest, along the river. 在这些空间里 我们发现了这些穿白色衣服的女人 These in-between sort of spaces is where we find these women in white. 它们总是与某种悲剧联♥系♥在一起 They are almost always linked to some sort of tragedy.

 这让我想起芝加哥的复活玛丽之类的鬼魂 This reminds me of ghosts like resurrection mary from chicago. 从本质上讲 她是一个穿着婚纱在路边行走的女幽灵 Essentially, she is a female specter that walks along the side of the road in a wedding dress. 一个年轻人会停下来接她回家 A young man will stop and pick her up and take her home, 结果却发现她 20 年前就死在了她被接走的地方 only to find out that she actually perished some 20 years prior in the exact same place where she was picked up. 那些不幸的少女 Those damsels in distress, 你遇到的那些穿白衣的女人 然后又发现 those women in white who you encounter and then later on find, “是的 那里没有人” "yeah, there was nobody there," 或者“这和 80 年前去世的人的描述相符” or, "ooh, that matches the description of someone who died 80 years prior." 在每一个白衣女人、公路旅行者、搭车旅行者或类似的事情中 in every instance of these women in white or highway travelers or hitchhikers or things of this nature, 这是一个从头到脚 全身显现的幽灵 it"s a full, head-to-toe, full-bodied apparition, 这是不寻常的 and that is unusual. 这是罕见的 That is rare. 但它不断发生的事实和如此频繁的发生在道路上 一定意味着什么 But the fact that it keeps happening with such great occurrence on roads has to mean something. 也许鬼魂只是被吸引到新泽西的 55 号♥公路上 Narrator: Or maybe ghosts are just drawn to this stretch of route 55 in new jersey. 这是一条非常著名的被诅咒的路 This is a very famous cursed road. 他们在这块墓地上扩建了一条路 They made an extension road over this burial ground, 在那之后 很多不好的事情开始发生 and after they did that, a lot of bad things started happening. 建筑工人开始死亡 Construction workers started to die. 有一个人在路上长了动脉瘤 One had an aneurysm building the road.

 有一个人的脚变黑了 One guy"s feet turned black, 他们不明白为什么 and they couldn"t understand why, 纽约的主任说 and the chief down in new york said, you know, “你打破了诅咒” "you have upset the curse, “这就是将要发生的事情” and this is what"s gonna happen." [激动的尖叫] [ atmospheric scream ] 高速公路修建的时候我就在附近长大 I grew up around the highway when it was being built, 这在当时是有争议的 and it was kind of controversial at the time. 关于是否要暂停这个项目 There was a little bit of a political uproar about it, 引起了一些政♥治♥骚动 whether they wanted to suspend the project or not. 你会听到很多关于在 55 号♥公路上发生的奇怪故事 这是无法解释的 You get a lot of stories about strange things happening on this route 55, which is unexplainable. 虽然这件事无法解释 但却永远铭刻在威廉的记忆中 Narrator: Unexplainable, yet forever etched in william"s memory. 汉德:这对我来说仍然是个谜 Hand: It"s still kind of a mystery to me. 我从来没得到过那晚所发生事情的正式解释 I never really got, like, a formal explanation on what happened that night. 水面可以是平静的 narrator: The surface of a body of water can be soothing, 宁静的 tranquil, 清澈的 serene. 但有时 隐藏在背后的东西可能是可怕的 But sometimes, what lies beneath can be terrifying. 自开天辟地以来 人类就讲述了与水下神秘物体的令人不安的遭遇 since the dawn of time, man has told tales of disturbing encounters with underwater enigmas, 从闹鬼的沉船

 from haunted shipwrecks 到像格林迪洛这样可怕的神秘生物 to terrifying cryptids like the grindylow, 据说有一种神秘的野兽会抓住离水太近的孩子 把他们淹死 a mystical beast said to grab children who come too close to the water and drown them, 最近 在波多黎各 and recently, in puerto rico, 一个度假者捕捉到从海底升起的东西 one vacationer captured something rising from the depths 这个物体要把她和船上的所有人都拖入海底 that threatened to take her and everyone else in the boat back down with it. [群众欢呼] [ crowd cheering ] 案例:水下潜行者 2018 年 7 月 8 日 在波多黎各的伊莎贝拉 July 8, 2018 in isabela, puerto rico, 黛比•莫拉莱斯和她的一些朋友在伊莎贝拉的运河上划船 debby morales takes a video as she and some friends enjoy a boat ride 她拍到了一段视频 through the canals of isabela. 女:哇! Woman: Whoo! ...

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