
发布时间:2022-06-28 12:20:02




  接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是 ... Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 在一个闹鬼的监狱里,一个幻影囚犯 In a haunted jail, a phantom prisoner 试图从一个幽灵猎人身上吸取生命能量 tries to drain the life energy from a ghost hunter. 我觉得好冷 斯科特:你说,“我觉得冷” Scott: You said, "I feel cold," 同时幽灵接触到了你的手 and it touched your hand at the same time. 不管那个实体是什么,它就像在吮吸 Whatever the entity is, it"s, like, sucking, 就像,从他身上抽出的生命 like, the life right out of him. 这会不会是和以前豪♥宅♥一起倒下的 Narrator: Could this be the ghost of pablo escobar 巴勃罗·埃斯科巴的鬼魂? going down with his former mansion? 在那一刻出现在那个特定的地方 To be present in that moment in that particular place, 真是太令人心酸了 is just perfectly poignant. 当地的一个传说让一个英国人惊恐万分 Narrator: A local legend gives a british man the fright of his life. 你可以清楚地看到一个头、一张脸、两只眼睛、一张嘴 you can clearly see a head, a face, the eyes, a mouth. 超速飞行的不明飞行物危险地靠近客机

 ... Narrator: A speeding ufo gets perilously close to an airliner... 我们知道,任何有人驾驶的人类飞行器 We know that no piloted human craft, 无论是军用的还是其他的飞机 either military or otherwise, 都不会飞得离另一架飞机那么近 would fly that close to another plane. ...还有更多超自然镜头 Narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage 等着你去看

 ... you have to see... 那真的很奇怪

 去相信 ...To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第二十五集 在一个闹鬼监狱里捉鬼 Ghost Hunt in a Haunted Prison 伊利诺伊州的古老乔利埃特监狱于 1858 年开放 narrator: The old joliet prison in illinois was opened in 1858 很快就因其过度拥挤 and quickly earned a notorious reputation 不卫生和危险的环境而臭名昭著 for its overcrowded, unsanitary, and dangerous conditions. 监狱最终于 2002 年关闭 The prison finally closed in 2002, 监狱经历多年的忽视后 and after years of neglect, 市政♥府♥于 2017 年获得了对该物业的控制权 the city acquired control of the property in 2017. 游客开始进行历史性的徒步旅行 They began leading historic walking tours 穿越监狱,但许多超自然爱好者想知道 through the prison, but many paranormal enthusiasts 监狱里是否可能留下了黑暗能量 wondered about the darker energy that may have been left behind 以及大厅里是否有灵魂在徘徊 and whether there were any spirits lingering in the halls. 然后在 2019 年 3 月 Then in March 2019, the city allowed two ghost 这座城市管理者让两名幽灵猎人有机会调查监狱 hunters the opportunity to investigate the prison, 但他们所经历的一切让他们冷到了骨子里 and what they experienced chilled them both to the bone. 有人刚刚碰了我的手,伙计 案例:监狱里的死后生活 海耶斯:像监狱一样的地方 hayes: Place like a prison harbors 藏有各种超自然活动 all sorts of paranormal activity. 如果你仔细想想,这完全有道理 If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. 有谋杀案

 You"ve had murders. 有曾经在这里度过一生的人 You"ve had people that spent their entire lives here. 受伤、悲伤、绝望,所有这些能量 Injuries, sadness, despair, all of this energy 有时会在这些建筑物中 has taken place in these buildings 持续发生数百年 sometimes for hundreds of years on end, 所以我并不感到奇怪,你知道嘛 so it"s no surprise to me that there"s some, you know, 有一些能量会附着在建筑物上 energy hanging on to the building. 斯劳特:关于这座监狱的有趣事实是 Slaughter: Now the interesting fact about this prison 它建在一个古老的石灰石采石场之上 is that it was built on top of an old limestone quarry site. 石灰石的孔非常多,几乎就像一块石头海绵 Limestone is very porous, almost like a stone sponge. 我喜欢称它为大自然的录音机 I like to call it, like, nature"s tape recorder 因为如果环境中有任何类型的能量 because if there"s any type of energy in the environment, 无论好坏,它都会保持它那种共振 good or bad, it"s going to keep it, 永远存在,持续很长很长时间 that resonance, there forever, for a long, long time. 它具有超强吸收性和储存电磁能 It"s superabsorbent and electromagnetic energy. 伊利诺伊州的超自然现象调查小组 Narrator: An illinois paranormal investigating team, 大卫·斯科特和约翰·斯蒂芬斯 david scott and john stephens, 是两个幸运的人,他们第一次 were the lucky two who, for the very first time, 得到监狱的许可 were given permission by the prison 可以搜寻这里的超自然现象活动 to search for paranormal activity. 我的名字是大卫斯科特 My name is david scott.

 我在伊利诺伊州的乔利埃特 I shot this video in joliet, illinois, 在这古老的乔利埃特州立监狱拍摄这段视频 at the old joliet state prison. 我的名字是约翰·斯蒂芬斯 My name is john stephens. 大卫和我一起,我们是一个超自然小组 David and I, together, we are a paranormal group. 我的意思是,作为第一个 I mean, it was cool to be the first people 去那里进行幽灵狩猎真的很酷 to go in there and conduct a ghost hunt, 因为那里的能量和灵魂 professionally because the energy and the spirits 仍然如此原始 in there is still so raw. 斯特奇斯:想象一下幽灵一直待在在一个地方 Sturges: Just imagine spirits at a location, 这些年来他们没有人可以联♥系♥ and they"ve had nobody to connect with all these years, 最后一群幽灵猎人进来了 and finally, a group of people come in, 他们思想开放 他们很乐愿 and they"re open-minded, and they"re willing, 他们在问正确的问题 and they"re asking the right questions, 而且他们的心态很正 and they"re in the right frame of mind. 大卫和约翰穿过监狱 Narrator: David and john made their way through the prison, 当他们到达死囚牢房♥ and when they got to the death row 和单独禁闭室时 and solitary-confinement wing, 他们拿出灵盒 they took out their spirit box and attempted to make contact 试图与空间中的任何东西接触 with whatever might be in the space. [静电音] [ static ] 这些家伙正在使用 sb7 灵盒

 these guys are using an sb7 spirit box. 现在,这是专门为 Now, this was specifically designed 超自然现象调查而设计的 for paranormal investigating. 现在它在操作的是,它通过扫描频率 Now what it does, it sweeps through the frequencies 以接收超自然能量 trying to pick up on paranormal energies. 现在有多少灵魂在我们这里? How many spirits are in here with us right now? [静电振荡] [ oscillating static ] 一百 我确实感受到了很多灵魂的能量 I definitely felt the energy of a lot of spirits, 人们看着我,很好奇 people watching me and very curious. 有没有人死在这栋楼里? Did anyone ever die in this building? [静电振荡] [ oscillating static ] 救命 是的 他们似乎得到了很多回音 they seemed to be getting a lot of hits. 他们的问题似乎得到了回应 They seemed to be getting responses to their questions. 他们似乎得到了稳定的互动 They seemed to be getting a steady interaction. 我感觉到一个灵魂站在门口偷看 I feel a spirit standing in the doorway peeking in. 你能告诉我你叫什么名字吗? Will you tell me what your name is? 卡尔文 他们在问,你知道,“谁和我在一起?” They"re asking, you know, "who"s here with me?" 就像得到了“卡尔文”这个名字的回应 like, and getting name responses like "calvin." 我听到了卡尔文 I heard calvin.

 我认为这真的令人印象深刻 I thought this was really impressive 因为你得到的 evp 很清晰 because of the clarity of the evps that you"re getting. 我听到了卡尔文 I heard calvin. 嗯 聪明 很聪明 Smart. 受到他们和鬼魂接触的鼓舞 Narrator: Encouraged by the contact they were making, 约翰和大卫决定尝试去另一栋建筑 john and david decided to try a different building 然后穿过院子来到医院 and walked across the yard to the hospital, 那里设有 X 光室 which housed the x-ray room. 一进门,约翰就趴在桌子上 Once inside, john laid down on the table. 你们有多少人在这张桌子上躺过? How many of you have laid on this table? 一百 -一百

 -一百 -One hundred. -One hundred. -一百,一百

 -是的 -One hundred, 100. -Yeah. 斯蒂芬斯:我爬上桌子 是因为大卫和我认为 Stephens: I got on the table because david and I, 我们可能会激怒鬼魂 we had figured that we would rile up the spirits 这样可以试图让他们与我们互动 maybe or try to get them to interact with us. 卡诺:在调查时,尝试将自己 Cano: When investigating, it"s a popular technique 置于情境中是一种流行的技术 to try to put yourself physically in the situation. 这是一种让自己处于当时情景的方式 It"s a way of putting yourself in that position 希望让沟通更容易 hopefully making communication easier.

 你是谁 有人刚刚碰了我的手,伙计 我确实感觉到有人在摸我的手,我想? I did feel somebody touch me on the hand, I think? 就像是轻轻一扫,有点冷 It was like a light swipe, and it was kind of cold. 就是这样 That"s all. 你叫什么名字? What is your name? [静电振荡] [ oscillating static ] 斯科特:我觉得是女人 scott: I think it"s a woman. 一个女人刚刚碰过约翰吗? Did a woman just touch, john? 卡尔文

 -卡尔文 Calvin. -Calvin. 斯科特:哇

 卡尔文跟着我们 Scott: Whoo. Calvin is following us around. 我们两次听到卡尔文这个名字 We heard the name calvin twice. 当他再次说出他的名字时,我们实际上是 We were actually in a completely different part of the prison 在监狱的另一个完全不同的地方 when he said his name again. 两次出现了同一个名字 Two times, the same name came through. 这实在是太不可思议了 That"s kind of incredible as it is. 卡尔文 斯特奇斯:两次,他们得到了卡尔文这个名字 Sturges: Twice, they got the name calvin. 对我来说似乎真的很有趣 It seems really interesting to me 它会两次落在同一个频率上 that it would land on the same frequency twice, 而且你会得到两次相同的名字 and you would get the same name twice. 我必须出去

 I"ve got to get out. 大卫和约翰走进隔壁的房♥间 Narrator: David and john went into the room next door 设置了他们的下一件高科技超自然检测设备 and set up their next piece of high-tech paranormal equipment, 一台改进的 xbox kinect 相机 a modified xbox kinect camera, 这是超自然专家用来检测实体 one of the newest tools used by paranormal experts 以检测他们是否可以与卡尔文 to detect entities to see 进行进一步交流的最新工具之一 if they could further communicate with calvin. 摄像头使用红外光 The camera uses an infrared light 检测房♥间内的运动 to detect motion in the room 然后在屏幕上显示捕获到的 3D 图像 and then displays a 3-d image of the capture on the screen. 超自然主义者认为灵魂 Paranormalists believe spirits can be picked up 可以被红外摄像机捕捉到 by infrared cameras, 因此它们的能量也可以被监控 so their energy can also be monitored. 这个想法是,如果你周围有能量 The idea is that if there is an energy around you, kinect 系统也将能够以我们 the kinect system will be able to also articulate 可以在显示器上看到的视觉方式表达出来 that in a visual way that we can see on our monitors. 而相机捕捉到的东西真的很诡异...

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