
发布时间:2022-06-28 19:55:04








 Good morning/afternoon/Hello, everyone/ladies and gentlemen/dear boys and girls 上午好/下午好/大家好/女士先生们/亲爱的同学们 May /can I have your attention, please? 请注意听我讲话好吗? It is a great pleasure for me to have the chance to share with you… 我很高兴有机会和你们分享…… It"s everyone"s duty/responsibility to_ ……是每个人的责任。

 The thing we should do is to… 我们应该做的是…… It"s important to…/More importantly,…/It is important that .../The main thing is to_ 重要的是…… Personally/In my opinion/ It seems to me that… 在我看来,…… Let"s try our best to… 让我们尽最大努力…… That"s all. Thank you/Thanks for listening!






 (1)洗手后不关水龙头; (2)离开教室时不关灯; (3)吃饭挑食,不合胃口的饭菜随意扔掉; (4)地上随处可见有用的纸张。


 (l)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; (2)词数 120 左右。






 Good afternoon, boys and girls. May I have your attention please? 2.正文内容:


 We are sorry to see so much waste in our school. (2)列举校园里的浪费事例:

 ①Don"t turn off the taps after washing hands. ②Leave the lights on when leaving class-room. ③Pick about food, and throw away the food what they don"t like. ④Lots of useful paper can be seen every-where on the ground. (3)发表看法,提出建议,发出号召。

 ①It is everybody"s duty to fight against waste. ②The thing we should do is to save food. Water and electricity. ③Let"s try our best to make a good habit of save things around us. ④Let"s do it from now on!

 Putting an end to waste!


 That"s all. Thank you for listening. 第三步,连句成文,书写规范。在这个过程中,同学们要注意连接词和过渡词的巧妙运用,确保语句衔接自然,语意连贯,条理清晰,层次分明。同时,还应注意书写的规范性,做到书写工整,卷面美观。


 Good afternoon, boys and girls. May I have your attention please? We are sorry to see so much waste in our school. For example:

 some students don"t turn off the tap after washing their hands. Some students leave the lights on when they leave class-room. There are also some students often pick about food, and throw away the food what they don’t like. Moreover, lots of useful paper can be seen everywhere on the ground.

  In my opinion, it is everybody"s duty to fight against waste. The thing we should do is to save food, water and electricity. Let"s try our best to make a good habit of save things around us. Let"s do it from now on!

 Putting an end to waste!

 That"s all. Thanks for listening.

推荐访问:中考英语复习提升课堂:如何写好英文发言稿 发言稿 英文 英语

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